An image element with a fallback for representing the user.
Avatar Props
Prop | Type | Default |
size | number | 3 |
src | string | - |
alt | string | - |
fallback | ReactNode | - |
variant | "solid" | "soft" | "soft" |
radius | "small" | "full" | "small" |
color | "indigo" | "orange" | "mint" | "neutral" | "sky" | "lime" | "grass" | "cyan" | "iris" | "purple" | "pink" | "crimson" | "gold" | - |
asChild | boolean | - |
className | string | - |
Avatar Group Props
Prop | Type | Default |
children | ReactNode | - |
max | number | - |
className | string | - |
Choose between soft and solid variants to control the visual weight and emphasis of the avatar in your interface.
The Avatar component supports 13 different sizes to accommodate various layout requirements and design needs.
Avatar comes with a range of predefined colors including both base and extended color options to match your design system.
Choose between small and full border radius styles to match your design preferences.
With Image
Avatar can display user images with graceful fallback to initials when images fail to load or aren't available.