BadgeBadge component to display concise information.
The Badge component is used to highlight information or indicate status in a concise manner. Install the component from your command line.
npm install @raystack/apsara
import { Badge } from '@raystack/apsara/v1'

<Badge variant="accent" size="micro">Badge Text</Badge>
The Badge component accepts the following props:
  • variant: Visual style variant ("accent" | "warning" | "danger" | "success" | "neutral" | "gradient", default: "accent")
  • size: Size of the badge ("micro" | "small" | "regular", default: "small")
  • icon: Optional ReactNode to display an icon before the text
  • screenReaderText: Additional text content only announced to screen readers
  • children: Text content of the badge
  • className: Additional CSS class names
Choose between different variants to convey different meanings or importance levels. Default variant is accent.
The Badge component supports three sizes to accommodate various layout requirements. Default size is small.
Badges can include an icon to provide additional visual context. By default there is no icon.
The Badge component includes screen reader support through the screenReaderText prop, only be announced to screen readers. By default no text is passed to screenReaderText prop.
Here are some common use cases for the Badge component: