Input FieldA text input component with support for labels, helper text, and various states.
Input Field component is used for collecting user input in forms and interfaces, with support for various states and decorative elements. Install the component from your command line.
npm install @raystack/apsara
Import all parts and piece them together.
import { InputField } from '@raystack/apsara/v1'

<InputField label="Label" placeholder="Enter text" />
The InputField component accepts the following props:
  • label: Text label above the input (string)
  • helperText: Helper text below the input (string)
  • error: Error message to display below the input (string)
  • disabled: Whether the input is disabled (boolean)
  • leadingIcon: Icon element to display at the start of input (ReactNode)
  • trailingIcon: Icon element to display at the end of input (ReactNode)
  • optional: Shows "(Optional)" text next to label (boolean)
  • prefix: Text or symbol to show before input value (string)
  • suffix: Text or symbol to show after input value (string)
  • width: Custom width for the input field (string | number)
  • className: Additional CSS class names
  • All other InputHTMLAttributes from React
A basic input field with a label and placeholder.
Input field with additional helper text below.
Input field displaying an error state with error message.
Input field with prefix and suffix text.
Input field with leading and trailing icons.
Input field marked as optional.
Input field in disabled state.
Input field with custom width.